Master the Power of Your Perceptions 

It's not about what happens to you...
Transform beliefs holding you back

NEXT: Aug 17 & 18 2024
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm PST (Online)

Advanced Human Behaviour Principals

Mindset Mastery to Expand Clarity of Purpose  

Awaken a greater level of authenticity by transforming limiting beliefs holding you back from taking strategic actions toward achieving what's truly fulfilling to you. Altering your views can alter the reality of how you see a situation. The quality of the questions you are asked will demonstrate the quality of life you live. That's because there is an innate calling with us to see and experience the world with an objective lens (+/-). We naturally attract individuals who love learning, personal growth & development and are entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs with a spiritual desire to be of service.

Designed with timeless principles to disrupt yourself, before the outside world does by shifting your mindset by developing clarity to pursue inspiring challenges, rather than having the difficult and unfilling challenges fill our mind, day, year, and life. In this workshop, you'll discover your unconscious motives and realize it is a choice, and you can break through to the other side of where you want to be


"This was an incredible workshop. I had the intention of overcoming anger and resentment against my ex-wife. I’ve been working on this with multiple modes of therapy and counseling. It was amazing to see within the space of two days that I was able to overcome this anger and resentment. It has allowed me to move on with my life, without the expectation of receiving an apology from her.  This is a process that likely would’ve taken me multiple years. I know this as I have friends that are going through a divorce process and many are still stuck. This process is counterintuitive initially when you hear about it, you impression will be that it won’t work for me.  Take a chance And do the workshop"

Dr. Sukh Dhiman Founder Mens Vitality Clinic & ER Doctor

Traits of the Great

No matter how many 1:1 sessions and how much work on myself I do, Carly and Amar always seem to provide an 'unlock' and new perspective that propels me forward. Traits of the Great is an intense weekend, with deep insights and emotional releases during/after. It's an investment - of money, time, and energy - but one that pays off 100 times over. The synergies and reflections within group participants are no coincidence ;) The perspectives, tools and frameworks I learned continually support my growth. I've attended two Traits of the Great workshops and will continue to attend when I'm experiencing challenges or seeking major growth. If you want to be a 1%er, this is the team you need.

Hannah Stephens, Global Director of E-commerce, JVN 

Traits of the Great

"Since taking 'Traits of the Great,' I've recommended it to at least three people who I know would benefit from taking it themselves. I've personally noticed shifts in my thought processes and perspectives, as well as in the

emotions and charges connected with trauma and blockages from the past. From putting in the work, I've experienced healing in areas that long haunted my subconscience. The lessons taught in this course ultimately help

to clear the road to fulfillment of one's true purpose. The challenging components are well worth the results!"

Tiffany Desrosiers, Singer/ Songwriter

Traits of the Great

"Having no idea what to expect coming in, showing up with an open mind and heart, this was an experience that was way more than I could have imagined. Realigning my actions with my authentic values. Recognizing that it was no accident that I showed up. Clearing emotional charges that were getting in the way and creating fear, doubt, and limiting my potential. I'm

excited and energized as I move forward in my mission, vision, and purpose. Thank you!"

Jill Decker, Business Owner

Traits of the Great

Program Overview

2-Day Traits of the Great Workshop

In this 2-Day workshop, you will develop the tools to transform and reframe your perceptions towards challenges you perceive are holding you back. People keep coming back to this workshop because you will be facilitated and guided through doing the work. You will:

This workshop will help you to remove the masks and personas you create in an attempt to be loved by the world. It will remove the brain noise that is blocking your inner voice and vision. Allowing you to show up as who you authentically are, and love yourself for being simiply You - no matter what you have done or not done in life. 

Life by Priority 

Awakening The Genius Within

What is genius, and why isn't it abundantly applied? The world is currently riddled with mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression for the same reason. Today's meaning of genius is generally defined by a high IQ or exceptional intellectual power, but the original meaning was an attendant spirit present from one's birth that gives rise to an innate ability. Genius occurs when you live by your highest values and top priorities of how you would love to create and live your life in the form that inspires you the most. Today, most people are comparing their current reality to what they think life should be like, subordinating to outside voices and visions, rather than discovering what's most meaningful to them and pursuing that calling. It's here that the inspired, authentic self is willing to pursue greater challenges and contributions to others.

The Power of Perceptions

Overcome Challenging Situations

Within each individual is an inspired purpose, yet only a small percentage of the world will actually go out and fulfill it. Why is that? It's because people become so busy being concerned about what others think or believe, what they should do (not what they would love to do), judging themselves, and holding onto guilt and shame from the past, along with resentments that occupy their valuable space and time. This internal chaos and confusion create brain noise, blocking the inner voice and inner vision. Suddenly, all the voices on the outside become louder than the one within. Feelings of confusion, being lost, frustration, and not knowing how to overcome current challenges arise. Individuals get stuck and sometimes even paralyzed by their confusion. Name a problem that doesn't involve you or someone else? All problems are people problems and are overcomeable. Don't wait for months, decades, or years, and make a mountain out of a molehill.


Workshop Dates

Traits of the Great (Online)
The Power of Transforming Perceptions

August 17 & 18 2024
Saturday & Sunday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm PST
Price: $995 USD
* Check Repeater Price for Past Participants
* Save your spot with a $100 deposit
* Limited spacing, reserve your spot in advance.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

Galileo Galilei

What is the Most Powerful & Fragile Thing in the Universe?

It is the Human Mind & Psyche. Join & Experience 2 Transformative Days, 18 Life-Changing Hours about Yourslf

More Client Reviews


The most powerful universal forces on this planet are love, gratitude, and wisdom. If you are undecided, read reviews from our community, and let's get started. 

"Thank you Carly and Amar for an amazing weekend workshop. Eye-opening and useful in so many ways with tools I can use for the rest of my life. I reviewed much of the info the next morning and felt a wave of gratitude and appreciation for you both. A balanced life is so much more realistic and less disappointing than a glow-in-the-dark Disney movie life or an agonizing "life sux" existence."

Jim Killon, Founder of Changes for New

Traits of the Great

"Amazing workshop! This is my second time taking it and I'm grateful for Amar and Carly. I got more clarity, breakthroughs, realizations, insights, knowledge, Entanglements, and most importantly unconditional love. Serendipity at its finest! I highly, highly recommend it, you won't be disappointed. Grateful to release my emotional baggage, advance my potential, and open my heart even more! " Inspiring couple that walks their talk!"

Linda Avalos, Flight Attendant & Relationship Coach

Traits of the Great

"A wonderfully thought out journey towards finding a

a deeper understanding of one's SELF."

Amit Patel, Serial-Entrepreneur & Designer

Traits of the Great

Thank you for your help. I feel nothing is no longer

happening inside my mind and I feel a sense of calm.

Manna Malhi, Salon Owner

Traits of the Great

The information sunk in deeper than my first time through the course, "repetition is the godfather of all success". The pace was perfect and my attention was held throughout the whole weekend. I would recommend this course to many people in my life and think anybody who opened up and embraced the knowledge would benefit greatly. If a critical mass on earth took and understood this course, humanity would interact with itself and its surroundings more symbiotically. Thank you both for everything

Kyle Penner, Master Craftsman & Engineer

Traits of the Great

"I came in unsure of what my future would look like and feeling very demotivated. I learned about how my values make me the person that I am and it explained why I was unhappy about my choices, whether it was my career goals or my inability to understand why the people around me act and behave the way they do. Working on myself helped me understand the people in my life better as well as understanding that I need to take steps to become my authentic self. Amar and Carly helped me achieve that clarity I needed to become my authentic self, something that I was suppressing to keep the people around me happy with who I was as a person. With the knowledge I gained in this workshop, I can now focus on myself and my values and achieve greatness."

Supreet Gill, Entrepreneur

Traits of the Great

"Carly and Amar are truly amazing. They led me through a very difficult

journey to get to freedom from my past. I am forever thankful."

Christina Tondo, Financial Services Advisor 

Traits of the Great

"I acknowledge Amar and Carly for the Traits of the Great workshop. I thank

them both for arming me with the tools to authentically accept and

appreciate all the people in my life; past, present, and future."

Parag Khare, IT Project Manager

Traits of the Great

"I have attended this two-day journey multiple times now and each time I

attend, I see a big transformation in my life! I highly recommend this to

anyone if you want a big shift in your personal life, finances, and business."

 Chris Fisher, Owner Apex Auto Detailing

Traits of the Great

"I know the work that is done here, and find it very valuable. I keep coming back. I am able to balance out my emotions and heal and discover other emotions I didn't feel I had. My life shifts and I have love and gratitude for the person, or event and become filled with a sense of peace within myself."

Lilia Motz, Registered Nurse

Traits of the Great

"Amar and Carly are very clear in the delivery of the information they presented and their dedication to this work is evident in the support they provide which is very hands-on and they are always available if any further assistance is needed."

Amanda Monteiro

Traits of the Great

"I just love how inspired you are to do this work together with us. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us, I will never forget this weekend."

Oksana Ulanovska, Coach

Traits of the Great


Why do people repeat the workshop?

The work works when you work it. It has become a dedicated place for clients to transform perceptions so they continue to grow and scale their life, health, finances, business, and relationships. Some people hold onto stories and challenges for years and decades. After this workshop, you realize it's a choice.  So they spend their dollars and time to clear in a weekend rather than letting things compound and affecting their health and wealth. 

Why is the workshop so long?

 We cover a lot of life-changing human behavior components here, to develop clarity of people's vision and mission.  That involves covering many in-depth and complicated topics. We created a workshop we wanted to attend, and the vast majority of participants came back for that reason. We keep refining and expanding to meet the desires of the high-performing individuals we work with.

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity." ~ Albert Einstein 

You distort the fabric of space-time when you live outside what serves you, you need outside motivation (Extrinsic) to pump you up, but when you are inspired (Intrinsic) you live and evolve yourself based on what's most important to you, beyond outside injected ideals.  This workshop is designed to show you the most advanced aspects of human behavior and how time is distorted based on our perceptions and judgments of self and others. 

Do I have to be an Executive, Entrepreneur or Business Owner to attend?

No, this workshop is aimed at individuals wanting to master their life and serve others through products, services or ideas. Many have even gone on to start their own businesses after taking the entrepreneurial track and that is one of the most rewarding and inspiring things for our team. 

Our clients consistently refer their loved ones and friends as anyone can benefit from the core principles taught here. The youngest to date is a founders 9-year-old niece, an aspiring artist & entrepreneur in the making.  We usually attract individuals with a love of learning, business, finances, quality connections & curious appetite for universal wisdom.  


It will be an inspiring live 2-day event where you will be taken through time-tested and proven methodology, giving you an edge in continuing to create the life you desire from the privacy of your own home. With the ability to interact and ask questions as you see fit.

“Where your talents and the world's needs cross, there lies your vocation.”


General Inquiries

For all inquiries, please contact us.
